गुरुवार, 20 मई 2021

Types of Adverbs

 Adverbs love to dress up verbs or other adverbs. For example, we might progress from, “He sat down,” to, “He hurriedly sat down.” Now, we know the manner in which he sat. Since verbs are such integral parts of our everyday language, their modifiers are also multi-faceted.

To start, there are five types of adverbs you should familiarize yourself with: adverbs of degree, frequency, manner, place, and time. With these categories under your belt, you’ll be well-positioned to identify several different parts of a sentence.

thatched roof cottage in ireland

Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of degree tell us more about the intensity of the verb in the sentence, in other words, they describe how much, or to what degree. They can be categorized as low degree (e.g. somewhat), medium degree (e.g. fairly), and high degree (e.g. extremely). Adverbs of degree can also modify adjectives and other adverbs and are placed before the word they modify. Popular adverbs of degree include:

  • almost
  • enough
  • hardly
  • just
  • nearly
  • quite
  • simply
  • so
  • too

Let’s look at some sample sentences:

  • This short essay is hardly sufficient.
  • It’s simply not enough.
  • I’m so excited to move to Ireland.

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency let us know how often the verb occurs. Therefore they mostly modify verbs. These adverbs tend to appear right before the main verb in the sentence. Popular adverbs in this category include:

  • again
  • always
  • never
  • normally
  • rarely
  • seldom
  • sometimes
  • usually

Here they are in action:

  • always read a book before bed.
  • Does he normally walk his dog at this time?
  • She usually shops at the Korean market in town.

Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner tell us how, or in what manner, something was carried out. They mostly modify verbs and can often be found at the end of a clause. This category comprises the most common adverbs — the ones that end in -ly. Here are some examples of adverbs of manner:

  • beautifully
  • generously
  • happily
  • neatly
  • patiently
  • softly
  • quickly
  • well

And here are some example sentences:

  • He trimmed the white roses neatly.
  • I combed my dog’s fur carefully because it had lots of tangles.
  • There’s no reason why you can’t discuss the topic with me calmly.

Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place tell us more about where the verb took place. These tend to pop up after the main verb or direct object of the sentence. Here are some common adverbs of place:

  • above
  • below
  • everywhere
  • here
  • in
  • inside
  • into
  • nowhere
  • out
  • outside
  • there

Let’s take a look at them in action:

  • In Ireland, there are thatched-roof cottages everywhere.
  • Clearly, there aren’t any leprechauns here.
  • I was so beguiled, I drove into a ditch.

Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of time detail when the verb took place. We usually see these kinds of adverbs placed at the beginning or end of a sentence. Adverbs of time include:

  • annually
  • daily
  • monthly
  • recently
  • tomorrow
  • weekly
  • yearly
  • yesterday

Here they are at work:

  • Lately, you’ve been rude to everyone around.
  • They recently relocated to Santa Fe.
  • The morning newspaper arrives daily.

Add Adverbs

Add adverbs… with caution. Sure, they provide us with more information (and information is power). However, if you see a spot where you can opt for one strong verb in lieu of an adverb and a mediocre verb, opt for the singular verb.

Otherwise, our writing can become too bulky and cumbersome. Ready to learn some more lists? We’ve gathered a printable list of 100 adverbs. Perhaps you’ll bookmark this page the next time you feel one of your verbs, adjectives, or adverbs needs a little accessoriz

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