सोमवार, 26 जुलाई 2021


                                                                        Mixture                                                      Mixture
          Mixture is obtained by mixing two or more pure substances  (element or compound or both) in any proportion without any  chemical combination. The ingredients of a mixture can be sperated    by simple, mechanical or physical methods.                                       

     Mixture of substance made by taking a small amount of salt in a glass is mixed with water. Similarly, syrup made of sugar and water, brass made of copper and zinc, soda water made of carbon dioxide and water, air made by combining various gases  and dust are example of mixtures.
                                 Type of Mixtures                                                         Mixture can be divided into two main classes-

 Homogeneous Mixture-
   when each part of a Mixture has the composition and properties of its ingredients, it is called homogeneous Mixture. For example, sugar and salt solution in water etc.

  Heterogeneous Mixture-
        A Mixture which does not have the composition and properties  of its composition in different parts is called a heterogeneous mixture  For example a Mixture of sand and salt.

 Solution and its Concentration-
      When one or more substances (solutes) dissolve completely in another substance (solvent), a solution (homogeneous mixture) is formed.

 Some solution are made up two or more liquid substances. As you  know, ethyl alcohol is mixed in water in all proportions to form          a solution.

 Two new states of matter

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मौलिक कर्त्तव्य

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