शुक्रवार, 6 अगस्त 2021



                  All living orgaisms oxygen to survive. All animals and plants used oxygen in respiration. Therefore it is also called Pranavayu. It was names oxygen by the scientist Levoshe.

                 Oxygen is formed in the largest quantity of elements fund on Earth. About half of the top surface of the land is oxygen. It is 21% in air and 89% in water.

                  The structure of an oxygen atom consists of eight protons and eight neutrons in the nucleus.

                  The two oxygen atoms 'O' and 'O' interact chemically to form one molecule of oxygen gas. It is spelled O2 as a symbol.

                   Oxygen has atomic number 8, atomic weight and mass number 16 and valency 2. Trees make oxygen gas by photosynthesis.

                       Properties Of Oxygen

(i)                This gas is colorless and odorless.

(ii)               This gas is less soluble in water, somewhat heavier then air.

(iii)              In the presence of oxygen, the match stick burns more rapidly with red light. In this process, the carbon present in the matchlet burns with oxygen to form carbon dioxide gas.                        C + O2 -------->  CO2


Oxygen Uses

(i)              Oxygen is helpful in burning things.

(ii)               Oxygen is necessary for respiration in animals and plants.

(iii)            Aquatic animals and plants use oxygen dissolved in water in respiration.


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